This is the Round One schedule for the 2016 United States Barista Championship, happening on Friday, April 15th in Atlanta, Georgia. This is the “at large” opening round of the USBC, with the top six competitors advancing to the Semi-Finals on Saturday, where they will meet the 12 winners from the Regional Qualifier that took place in Kansas City, Missouri earlier this year. Of those 18, six will go on to compete in the Finals on Sunday.
Our 2016 US Barista Championship coverage on Sprudge Live is supported by KitchenAid Craft Coffee Brewers, Nuova Simonelli, and Urnex Brands.
All times EST. Official Livestream here.
1. 9:15 Wolf Barn Marnell, Pavement Coffeehouse @misterbarn @pavementcoffee
2. 9:34 Nathan Nerswick, Chattahoochee Coffee Co., Atlanta, GA @nateners @chattcoffee
3. 9:53 Jeremy Sterner, Peregrine Espresso, Washington, DC @peregrinedc
4. 10:12 Kelly Sanchez, Blue Bottle Coffee Co., Oakland, CA @bluebottleroast
5. 10:31 David Buehrer, Greenway Coffee Co., Houston, TX @greenwaybarista @greenwaycoffee
6. 10:50 Marcos Iglesias, BREW Coffee Bar/Raleigh Coffee Co., Raleigh, NC @brewdtr @raleighcoffeeco
7. 11:14 Ashley Rodriguez, Sightglass, San Francisco, CA @ashcommonname @sightglass
8. 11:33 Isaiah Sheese, Archetype Coffee, Omaha, NE @archetypecoffee
9. 11:52 Sean Hundley, One Line Coffee, Columbus, OH @onelinecoffee
10. 12:11 Michael Harwood, Ceremony Coffee Roasters, Annapolis, MD @bluebarista @ceremonycoffee
11. 12:30 Jonathan Moehlig, Land of a Thousand Hills, Roswell, GA @1000hillscoffee
12. 12:49 Casey Soloria, Intelligentsia Coffee, Pasadena, CA @csoloria @intelligentsia
13. 1:13 Maxwell Mooney, Spotted Cow Coffee, Mill Creek, WA @maxwellamooney @spottedcowmc
14. 1:32 Joel Bigelow, PT’s Coffee Roasting Co., Topeka, KS @ptscoffee
15. 1:51 Leah Shinkle, PT’s Coffee Roasting Co., Topeka, KS @leahshinkle @ptscoffee
16. 2:10 Kathie Hilberg, Spyhouse Coffee Roasting Co., Minneapolis, MN @kathhilby @spyhousecoffee
17. 2:29 Ryan Fisher, Commonwealth Coffee, Denver, CO @phishtopher @commonwealthden
18. 2:48 Micah Sherer, Ally Coffee, Taylors, SC @micahsherer
19. 3:12 Radames Roldan, Blueprint Coffee, St. Louis, MO @radprojection @blueprintcoffee
20. 3:31 Jon Lewis, Deeper Roots Coffee, Cincinnati, OH @deeperrootsdrc
21. 3:50 T. Ben Fischer, Stone Creek Coffee Roasters, Milwaukee, WI @scarfninja1812 @stonecreekcoffe
22. 4:09 Jon French, Old World Coffee, Reno, NV @oldworldcoffee
23. 4:28 Andrea Allen, Onyx Coffee Lab, Fayetteville, AR @andreaarkansas @onyxcoffeelab
24. 4:47 Talya Strader, Equator Coffees & Teas, Oakland, CA @equatorcoffees