Round One of the US Barista Championship kicks off today with a whopping 24 competitors! Winnowed down from the original field of 100 baristas in the Regional Qualifying Event in Kansas City, Missouri that took place in February, the field today is comprised of the top performers from both the East and the West to not finish in the top six of their respective conferences.
The top six finishers from today’s heat will move on to the Semi-Finals taking place tomorrow, where they will face off against the six winners from the Eastern and Western conferences in hopes of being the one of the final six to make it Sunday for the Big Dance.
We’ll be live-blogging the whole thing here (and the Brewers Cup here) and live-tweeting every detail at @SprudgeLive, keep you close to the syrupy, creamy, sig-bevy action! We’ll be updating this blog reguarly, so stay tuned…
Our 2016 US Barista Championship coverage on Sprudge Live is supported by KitchenAid Craft Coffee Brewers, Nuova Simonelli, and Urnex Brands.
Number of years as a barista: 9
Number of competitions: 2
2012 Northeastern Regional Barista Championship
2016 US Barista Championship Qualifying Event
Coffee: Cueva de los Llanos from Nariño, Colombia, roasted Counter Culture
Signature Beverage: “Wolf’s Tears”
Jasmine green tea infused whey, brown sugar syrup
Does your routine have a theme?
What’s your playlist going to be?
Probably kid koala, dj qbert, boards of Canada, the books…
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? Oh god…
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
No ‘coach’, but lots of help from Brian Seaver at Pavement. Shoutout to my 2012 coach Ryan Soeder.
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
<3 u mean it.
Number of years as a barista: 4
Number of competitions: 4
South East Regional Barista Championship: 6th (2014), 3th (2015)
US Barista Championship: 22nd (2015)
Us Barista Regional Qualifying Event: 11th in East
Coffee: Cosmel Merino from Ecuador
Milk: Mountain Fresh Creamery
Signature Beverage: Tiger Nut Milk, Passion Fruit Syrup, Black Tea Syrup, Carbonation
Does your routine have a theme? Relationships
What’s your playlist going to be? 80’s
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? 100+
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
There are too many people to name one by one that made competing this year possible.
Number of years as a barista: 19
Number of competitions: I’m not sure exactly
Several SCAA events and also the Coffee fest latte art and America’s Best Coffee House. We did pretty well. We had great teams for everything!
Coffee: Cueva de los Llanos from Nariño, Colombia, roasted by Counter Culture
Milk: Trickling Springs Creamery milk
Signature Beverage: Cueva de los Llanos, some cream and some caramel sauce
What’s your playlist going to be? Radical Face
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition?
Not enough. Is it ever enough?
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
My coach Dawn. My coach Dawn is awesome! She felt odd coaching me when I have helped her in the past with competition, but it was just what I needed. Got me movin’! Thanks, Pro!!!
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I haven’t done this competition thing in a while and I am nervous, but excited to be back in it this year. I could go on and on about how much support that my family at Peregrine and my family at home have provided, but I am guessing that anyone doing this has a strong team behind them. I just hope I can do my best and do all of the people involved, from producers, roasters, and my Peregrine team, proud.
Number of years as a barista: 6
Number of competitions: 1
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event
Coffee: Rwanda Nyamasheke Mwasa
Milk: Clover Stornetta Organic
Signature Beverage: Chamomile-hops syrup, orange zest ice cubes, club soda, espresso
Does your routine have a theme? Coffee processing is essentially preservation
What’s your playlist going to be? Com Truise, Photay, Neon Indian, Shabazz Palaces
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? 135-180
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
Various colleagues: Judith Mandel (BB QC), Ashley Rodriguez (SightGlass competitor), Michael Phillips, Juliet Han (BB roaster), others
Number of years as a barista: 15
Number of competitions: 7
Coffee: Villa Sarchi from Finca La Esperanza in Antigua, Guatemala
Milk: Promised Land Dairy
Signature Beverage: “Espresso… Naturally”
Freeze dried blueberries, unrefined sugar, vanilla , espresso
Does your routine have a theme? Natural Transformations
What’s your playlist going to be? Miami Nights 1984
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? 70
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them! John Letoto
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
Opening our new cafe, Morningstar on May 1st
Number of years as a barista: 2
Number of competitions: 1
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event: 8th in East
Coffee: A single farmer lot from Jinotega, Nicaragua roasted myself at Raleigh Coffee Company
Milk: Homeland Creamery in Julian, NC
Signature Beverage: Cherry blossom syrup, bitter orange puree, lemon juice, spro
Does your routine have a theme? Vocation
What’s your playlist going to be? XX, Bon Iver, The National, Temper Trap.
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? 69
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
My wife has listened to every idea I’ve had regarding competition and let me bounce them off of her. Joe, who owns RCC has watched and timed countless run throughs. Kyle from Mahlkönig and Tim from Jubala have given me invaluable advice as seasoned competitors and tasted a lot of spro with me.
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I’m just so excited to get to share a competition stage with such amazing coffee professionals. I’ve looked up to many of these baristas for the past years. It’s still surreal that I get a chance to do that. I’m incredibly honored.
Number of years as a barista: 6
Number of competitions: 1
2012 Northeastern Barista Championship
Coffee: Catimor from Honduras
Milk: St. Benoit Creamery
Signature Beverage: “The Teacher’s Pet”
Components to be decided by the judges.
Does your routine have a theme? Education as means of barista empowerment
What’s your playlist going to be? Paul McCartney and Madness
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition?
Some amount that’ll never feel like enough
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
No coaches, but lots of friends!
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
Send Adam your love and coffee puns:
Number of years as a barista: 10
Number of competitions: 8
South Central Regional Barista Championship: 4th (2008), 6th (2010)
US Barista Championship: 36th (2010)
Coffee: Ecuador Las Tolas
Signature Beverage: Coffee flower honey, jasmine tea bee pollen, complex citrus syrup, hazelnut syrup
Does your routine have a theme? Calibration
What’s your playlist going to be? Gold Panda, Brian Eno, Javelin, Baths, Claude Debussy
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition?
A better question would be, “how many hours have you laid in bed awake not able to sleep due to practicing?”
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
My favorite color is blue, Im a leo, and thanks for all you guys do to keep us informed. You connect the whole coffee world making us a big family. That’s pretty great.
Number of years as a barista: 7
Number of competitions: 2
2015 Northeastern Barista Championship
Coffee: San Pascual, Colombia
Milk: Hartzler Creamery
Signature Beverage: “Mock Malbec”
Cascara, glycerin and raspberry shrub
Does your routine have a theme? Experimentation
What’s your playlist going to be? Aphex Twin
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? 50+
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
Mick Evans, owner and retail operations manager
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I am completely honored and inspired to have qualified for this event!
Number of years as a barista: 12
Number of competitions: 10
Southeastern Regional Barista Championship: 1st (2011), 3rd (2012), 3rd (2013),
Northeastern Regional Barista Championship: 3rd (2015)
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event
US Barista Championship: Semi-finalist (2012, 2013), 3rd (2015)
Coffee: Kenya Kiangoi from the Rung’eto Farmers Cooperative Society
Milk: Trickling Springs Creamery blend of 2% + Creamline (non-homogenized)
Signature Beverage: “Love Tonic”
Pomegranate/Pink Grapefruit Syrup, Blackstrap Molasses, Red Food Coloring, Hibiscus/Blackberry/Raisin Garnish
Does your routine have a theme? Falling in love again!
What’s your playlist going to be?
Gramatik – Just Jammin; St. Germain – Rose Rouge; Parov Stelar – Jimmy’s Gang
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition?
How does one count time spent dreaming?
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
The UPS guy + half a dozen people who showed up for one of our public tasting events. Great feedback!
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I’m hoping to coach next season. We have some strong candidates at Ceremony!
Number of years as a barista: 4
Number of competitions: 3
Southeastern Regional Barista Championship: 9th (2014), 10th (2015)
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event: 12th
Coffee: fully washed Rwanda from Ruli Mountain
Signature Beverage: 20g Lavender Blood Orange Simple syrup. 20g Tanzanian Coco nib Syrup. Espresso and I’m blending those ingredients for additional texture and sweetness.
Does your routine have a theme? Coffee Creates Community
What’s your playlist going to be? Blood Brothers by Ingrid Michelson. Downtown by Macklemore. Something by Michael Jackson and Borderland by John Mark McMillan.
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? At least 75
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
No but a ton of people have helped me. All of my baristas at my two shops, Sarah Frinak from Spiller park as well has been a tremendous help. I’m using her blender for my routine!
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
Coffee has always been something that has connected me to people. That’s why I think it’s so great that coffee can create community the way that it does. When I went to Rwanda to not only visit the farms and washing station my coffee comes from I was deeply impacted by the amazing people there. Their love and reconciliation after the genocides of 22 years ago has inspired every shot I pull and pour over I make. I took this experience and wrote a spoken word poetry piece about my time in Rwanda and had the opportunity to perform that poem for the President of Rwanda. I also spend a lot of time with my pugs and hang out all over the city of Atlanta that I call my home.
Coffee: a washed Bourbon varietal from Burundi
Signature Beverage: coconut blossom sugar, hot water, and flamed orange zest
Number of years as a barista: 3.5
Number of competitions: 5
Northwest Regional Barista Championship: 10th (2013), 14th (2014), 3rd (2015)
US Barista Championship: 34th (2015)
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event: 32nd
Coffee: Moanti, Henganofi District, Papua New Guinea
Milk: Grace Harbor Farms
Signature Beverage: Coriander syrup made with coconut palm sugar, coconut water, milk
Does your routine have a theme? Choices
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition?
This competition season? 200+, this particular event? 25-30 hours
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
Brandon Paul Weaver! A good friend and familiar face in the competition circuits. His attention to detail, insane dedication to helping his crew succeed, fuzzy hair, and immensely witty humor lead to one heck of a great coach.
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
We used a sous vide technique on our green coffee before we roasted it. BPW came up with the idea and lo and behold, it’s working! Our roasts are finishing up within 7:32, which feels like cheating somehow. I’m not talking about it too much in my presentation, but it’s a pretty cool thing and I’m thankful I get to steal BPW’s good ideas.
Number of years as a barista: 4
Number of competitions: 1
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event: 34th
Coffee: Aida Batlle’s Burundi Washed Process Coffee from Finca Kilimanjaro!
Milk: Hildebrand Dairy Farms
Signature Beverage: Blueberry Juice, Coconut Sugar Syrup, Espresso, Dry Ice
Does your routine have a theme? My presentation will center around stewardship and the value of attention to all the little details.
What’s your playlist going to be?
Divinity by Porter Robinson (ODESZA Remix), Runner by From Indian Lakes (Ansible Remix), Honest Affection by Kye Kye, We Are Sick by From Indian Lakes (Aaron Campbell Remix)
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition?
Probably close to 150 between February and now.
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
I had the privilege of training with Pete Licata and Holly Bastin, which was phenomenal. No official coaches this time around just lots of valuable feedback from fellow coffee people and my fellow competitor from PT’s, Leah Shinkle
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I really love tacos.
Micah Sherer, ALLY COFFEE
Number of years as a barista: 4
Number of competitions: 2
2015 Big Eastern Regional Barista Championship: 5th place
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event: T-18th
Coffee: A Brazil and a Panama Geisha
Milk: Southern Oaks Jersey
Signature Beverage: “A Taste of Brazil”
Brazilian Coffee Ingredients with some orange flair
Does your routine have a theme? Process
What’s your playlist going to be? Raising Sand-Alison Krauss and Robert Plant
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? Way too many and not close to enough.
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
I have about 10 coaches when it comes down to it. Alex Medina is my oldest barista friend and has a wealth of competition experience. He’s tasted more of my espressos the last few weeks than any normal person could endure. Ricardo Pereira sourced many of the ingredients and helped me nail the flavor descriptors. Nate Mylander has been cleaning up after my practice runs and keeping things smooth. Finally, Brad and Kristen Hartman and the rest of the Tandem CC crew put up with me on my weekend bar shifts and have encouraged me and loved me far more than I have a right to expect. I wouldn’t be competing without all of these people.
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I roasted my own coffee for the competition.
Number of years as a barista: 5
Number of competitions: 3
2013 Northwestern Regional Barista Championship
2015 Big Central Barista Championship
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifyin Event
Coffee: Los Naranjos from Colombia
Signature Beverage: Los Naranjos Espresso, fruit blossom honey, peach shrub, rosemary infusion, with a grapefruit and rosemary garnish.
What’s your playlist going to be? Music from Caspian, Chet Faker, and Made in Heights
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? A lot! It’s hard to keep track.
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them! Joe Marrocco from Cafe Imports
Number of years as a barista: 5
Number of competitions: 3
2015 Southwestern Regional Brewers Cup: 3rd
2015 Southwester Regional Barista Championship
2015 New York Coffee Masters: 2nd
Coffee: a blend (50/50 of a late harvest Hondo and a Yirgacheffe)
Signature Beverage: Espresso, heavy cream, lime juice, lime zest, oolong tea simple syrup, candied lime garnish.
Does your routine have a theme? simplicity and practicality
What’s your playlist going to be? hall and oates, whitney, steve winwood
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? 60
Number of years as a barista: 8
Number of competitions: 1
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event
Coffee: Finca Kilimanjaro Burundi Washed Process
Milk: Hildebrand Dairy Farms
Signature Beverage: Strawberries, heavy cream, black tea, and coconut sugar
Does your routine have a theme? Experimentation helps us find what we are truly looking for and relationships help support and sustain throughout that process.
What’s your playlist going to be?
Go Do by Jonsi, All I Want (dawn golden) Bloom (Odesza) All I want (dawn golden Manila killa remix)
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? 150+
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I’m partial to tacos over pizza, but if you give me a taco pizza I’d be okay with that. I’m always happy to sit an talk about life whether it be over tacos, coffee or some beers.
Coffee: Colombia Elkin Guzman, a natural processed Castillo variety
Signature Beverage: molasses, Colombian espresso, kumquat juice, diluted ice, stirred & flash chilled
Number of years as a barista: 13
Number of competitions: 12
a handful of regional competitions ’03-’08 including the first Mountain Regional BC ’08 (1st), USBC ’03 (2nd), ’05 (24th?), ’06 (4th), ’07 (7th)
Coffee: Bourbon Chocola produced by the Bressani Family at Finca San Jeronimo Miramar – Atitlán, Guatemala
Milk: Hartzler Family Dairy – Wooster, Ohio
Signature Beverage: “Chocola Haiku”
Bourbon Chocola espresso, drinking chocolate (melted Maverick chocolate & steamed milk), Ceylon cinnamon, oil from navel orange
Does your routine have a theme?
Every cup
depends on how we
let it flow
What’s your playlist going to be? Boom Bip / Yuuki Mathews / Goddamn Electric Bill / Looper
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? Countless / repressed memories
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
My colleagues at Deeper Roots Coffee: Ryan Doan, Courtney Robinson, Adam Shaw & Les Stoneham, have been an invaluable resource. The support and enthusiasm of our team of baristas & customers has been phenomenal. I get tremendous inspiration and support from my friends, family and kids.
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I’m so grateful to be able to participate in this USBC. Barista competitions were a big part of my coffee journey before I joined the staff of the Alliance for Coffee Excellence and shifted focus to Cup of Excellence competitions for 5 years. I’ve returned to my hometown, Cincinnati, Ohio, and joined Deeper Roots Coffee which has opened the door for more hands-on work with coffee in dynamic ways – especially in our fledgling cafe. And for this competition, I’m indebted to the Bressani family in Atitlán, Guatemala, who have produced an impeccable coffee and continue to let it flow. People will enjoy checking out their instagram @fincasanjeronimo
Number of years as a barista: 3.5
Number of competitions: 4
Big Central Regional Barista Championship: 2014, 2015
United States Barista Championship: 2015
2016 US Barista Regional Qualifying Event
Coffee: Two Colombians (Axel Cat Approved)
Signature Beverage: “Does it Blend?”
Blend of creamed nuts, play on acidity, and balance of floral aromatics!
Does your routine have a theme? Cooperation
What’s your playlist going to be? Circle of Life, Trashin’ the Camp Robot Love – Mayer Hawthorne, Fools Gold – Fitz and the Tantrums, My Trigger – Miike Snow, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – Starfkr
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? Digits are not able to quantify the number
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them! Sam Brown – a pretty rad guy
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
Shout out to Axel Cat, my roommates, and gents at my home cafe for their constant support.
Number of years as a barista: 8
Coffee: Tarime AB, Tanzania
Milk: Sparkmans Cream Valley
Signature Beverage: “Mango Espresso”
A macerated mango, brown sugar, cocoa tea, and diluted grapefruit oil
Does your routine have a theme? Freshness
What’s your playlist going to be? Several Jackie Mittoo songs and “it’s fresh” by Kool & the Gang
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition?
I found out I was competing last Thursday. So, not as many as I would have liked…
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
Philipp Henauer- he is one of the most amazing coffee professionals ever! He owns Henauer Kaffee in Switzerland and also trains competition team. I can not say enough positive things about Philipp. I am very grateful to have trained with him. Long distance training has been a bit challenging, but ultimately I would not have wanted to prepare with anyone else.
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
During the last round of competition I was going through chemotherapy. It was a very difficult season in life for me. I felt so supported by the global coffee community and can not thank everyone enough. I’m really excited that I get the chance to compete a second time this year, and at the moment I am cancer free. Also, I’m pretty excited about the idea of not being in the emergency room the night before I compete- last time was rough. *knock on wood. The coffee I’m using was imported by Olam Coffee (thanks Brandon!) and roasted by David Wilson, who is the head roaster for Hub Coffee Roasters in Reno, NV.
Number of years as a barista: 14
Number of competitions: 3 seasons
2015 Big Central Regional Barista Championship: 2nd
2015 US Barista Championship: Sem-finalist
Coffee: Colombia Las Margaritas Pacamara Natural
Milk: Ozark Mountain Creamery
Signature Beverage: “Espresso Lassi”
Lacto Fermented Yogurt, Espresso, House Vanilla Simple Syrup, Smoking Cassia, Spanked Basil
Does your routine have a theme? Specialty Coffees vs. Natural Processing
What’s your playlist going to be? Folk
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? Too many
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them! Jon Allen & Licata Coffee
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
I love coffee and people!
Number of years as a barista: 15
Number of competitions: 5 seasons?
3rd once in Big Central. 4th 3 times in Great Lakes/Big Central
Coffee: Rwanda, Nyampinga Cooperative
Milk: Glo-Crest Dairy
Signature Beverage: Ecuador chocolate ice cream, sweetened with pink jasmine Demerara, Rwanda espresso, topped with a sparkling Cara Cara orange juice.
What’s your playlist going to be? Dreamy, epic, forward motion music.
How many hours total do you think you’ve practiced for this competition? Not done practicing.
Do you have a coach/coaches? Tell us about them!
Rita Kaminsky (best tech judge there is). Tovara Salley, good at hugs, identifying flavors, and building recipes.
Is there anything else you want to tell us? We’d love to learn more about you.
Nyampinga just started farming coffee in 2009 and 2015 was their first Specialty grade coffee yield.
That’s it for today. We’ll have the announcement of who is going on to the Semi-Finals momentarily…