USBC Qualifiers—Western Conference Day Two Schedule

Edwin-Gorritz---Puerto-Rico---Barista-Squared-019Welcome to a complete schedule for Day Two Western Conference action at the 2016 US Barista Championship Qualifying Event. This fine happy slap-fight jumps off at 10:50 AM in Kansas City, Missouri. All times and Intelligence Agencies Central.’s coverage of the 2016 US Coffee Championships Qualifying Event is sponsored by Urnex Brands.

10:50 Becky Reeves, Ristretto Roasters, Portland, OR @ristrettoroast @becksreeves

11:00 Josh Taves, Novo Coffee, Denver, CO @coffeeuphigh @novocoffee

11:10 Cris Mendoza, Saint Frank Coffee, San Francisco, CA @StFrankCoffee @crisjmendoza

11:20 Jon French, Old World Coffee, Reno, NV @oldworldcoffee

11:30 Cierra Brooks, Amethyst, Denver, CO

11:40 Kyle Ramage, Mahlkonig USA, Scotts Valley, CA @mahlkonigusa @kyle_rampage

11:50 Stacy Wood‐Burgess, Cafe Javasti, Seattle, WA @cafejavasti @stacywburgess

12:00 Tyler G. Hill, The Principal’s Office, Colorado Springs, CO @principalsdrink @thuhTYLER

12:10 Cole McBride, PublicUS, Las Vegas, NV @colecoffee @publicusLV

12:20 Maxwell Mooney, Spotted Cow Coffee, Mill Creek, WA @maxwellamooney @spottedcowMC

12:30 Michelle Johnson, Cartel Coffee Lab, Tempe, AZ @meeshal @cartel_coffee

12:40 Chris Shaw, Nordaggios Coffee, Tulsa, OK @nordaggios

12:50 Bethany Hargrove, Barista, Portland, OR @b_harg

1:30 Tyler Brodd, Dinosaur Coffee, Los Angeles, CA @dinosaur_coffee

1:40 Sheli Maciel, Allegro Coffee Company, Oakland, CA @allegrocoffee

1:50 Dylan McClain, Case Study Coffee Roasters, Portland, OR @casestudycoffee

2:00 David Buehrer, Greenway Coffee Co, Houston, TX @greenwaybarista @greenwaycoffee

2:10 Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting Co, Olympia, WA @s_schro @olympiacoffee

2:20 Jesse Gonzalez, Ritual Coffee, San Francisco, CA @ritualcoffee

2:30 Devin J. Chapman, La Colombe, Los Angeles, CA @devchap @lacolombecoffee

2:40 Nicholas Balcer, The Arbor Lodge, Portland, OR @thearborlodge

2:50 Eden‐Marie Abramowicz, Bastet Coffee, Los Angeles, CA @bastetcoffee @missedenmarie

3:00 Brandon Acuna, Local Coffee/Merit Roasting Co., San Antonio, TX @localcoffeeSA @meritcoffee

3:10 Talya Strader, Equator Coffees & Teas, Oakland, CA @equatorcoffees

3:25 Ryan Fisher, Commonwealth Coffee, Denver, CO @commonwealthcoffee