Hello again from Austin, Texas! Sprudge Media Network is pleased to bring you this day two barista competition coverage of the Austin qualifying competitions for the 2017 U.S Coffee Championships. Coverage comes to you live from Austin, TX, produced by Zac Cadwalader with photography by Charlie Burt and Elizabeth Chai. Thanks for following us at @SprudgeLive on Twitter for all our live coverage of the barista competition this weekend, and for following @Sprudge on Instagram and Facebook for the sights and sounds from around the event.
Sprudge.com’s coverage of the 2017 US Coffee Champs is made possible by Urnex Brands and Nuova Simonelli.
Becky Reeves, Barista, Portland, OR – 251.5 pts
Coffee today for @becksreeves is made up of washed heirloom varieties from Chelbessa in the Guji Zone in Ethiopia, at 1900MASL
Espresso for @becksreeves has notes of white cane sugar sweetness, honeysuckle florality, assam black tea, and a pomelo acidity
Barrel aged honey, mango, and fresh pink peppercorn in those sig bevs for @becksreeves. Nitro charged, garnished w/ rosemary and mango
“Place one finger on the garnish so it doesn’t boop you on the nose.” Practical sig bev drinking instructions from @becksreeves @baristapdx
Hugo Cano, Folclor, Orange, CA – 203 pts
Coffee for Cano is the Tchembe, a natural processed Ethiopia grown by @ninetyplus and roasted by @BarNineLA
Oooo Cano’s sig bev is a coffee tepache, a drink made generally made by fermenting pineapple rind.
Along with tepache, Cano’s sig bev includes piloncillo honey and espresso.
Paging Hugo Cano. The Sprudge Live desk would like samples of your sig bev. or just a pitcher of tepache.
Kevin Caraway, Coffea Rosterie & Espresso Bar, Sioux Falls, SD – 176.5 pts

Up next is Kevin Caraway of Coffea Rosterie & Espresso Bar in Sioux Falls, SD @coffearoasterie #coffeechamps
It’s a washed Caturra grown at 1750MASL in Huila, Colombia for Caraway. #CoffeeChamps
Lime like acidty with notes of plum, cherry, and red wine for Caraway’s Huila espressos. @coffearoasterie
Sig bev includes black cherry grenadine with cardamom & vanilla, served in a palo santo wood smoked glass rimmed with lime.
Ashley Rodriguez, The CRO Cafe, Oakland, CA – 274 pts
Up next is Ashley Rodriguez of The CRO Cafe in Oakland, CA @ashcommonname @thecrocafe #coffeechamps
Coffee for @ashcommonname is from Nuevo Amanecer in Narino, Colombia. Fully washed Castillo & Caturra varieties roasted by @counter_culture
“This espresso screams power.” notes in @ashcommonname‘s spros: big tangerine acidity, brown sugar sweetness, and a hazelnut like finish
“This sig bev is an ode to your power” – @ashcommonname
Guava syrup, gum Arabic, apple cider vinegar, finished with a tangerine zest for @ashcommonname‘s powerful sig bev.
Becky Tachihara, Vertical Coffee Roasters, Reno, NV – 188 pts
Coming up next is Becky Tachihara of Vertical Coffee Roasters in Reno, NV @whengeeksfly
Tachihara competes with a naturally processed coffee grown by Timoteo Minas-Paredes in Antigua, Guatemala.
Very cool to see a naturally processed Guatemalan coffee in the competition today. That’s a rare bird.
Peach pie sweetness in the aroma, with orange acidity, stone fruit and a cinnamon finish for Tachihara’s natural Guatemala spro.
Cinnamon, clove, and dark brown sugar spiced cream mixed with espresso and aerated using a French press for Tachihara’s sig bev.
Adam Solomon, Joe Bean Coffee Roasters, Rochester, NY – 139 pts
Moving on now to Adam Solomon of Joe Bean Coffee Roasters in Rochester, NY @joebeanroasters
Fully washed AA SL-28 and SL-34 grown at 1600-1800MASL from Kirinyaga, Kenya for Solomon today.
Lime acidity, sweet tart tamarind, florals, and cinnamon spice for Solomon’s Kenya spro. #coffeechamps
Similar notes of lime acidity, sweet tart tamarind, florals, and cinnamon spice in Solomon’s sig bev as well.
Solomon’s sig bev includes Acid phosphate, tonic, and garnished with a lime peel. @JoeBeanRoasters
Andrea Allen, Onyx Coffee Lab, Springdale, AR – 292.5 pts
Up next is the first of back-to-back 2016 US Barista Finalists. It’s Andrea Allen of Onyx Coffee Lab in Springdale, AR @onyxcoffeelab
Allen competes with a washed processed Geisha from Cerra Azul in Colombia. She’s competed with natural Colombia Geishas in past years.
Floral and rose like aroma, raspberry, brown sugar sweetness, lime acidity, and jasmine tea in those Cerra Azul Geisha spros for Allen
Whoa, Allen before serving her sig bevs, Allen is washing the judge’s hands with rosewater.
Clarified milk, rose water, acid phosphate, with a cinnamon stick stir for Allen’s sig bev. @OnyxCoffeeLab #coffeechamps
What was the biggest impact of origin trips for Allen? “I got to be changed by kindness.” #coffeechamps
Devin Chapman, Coffee Manufactory, San Francisco, CA – 280.5 pts
Time for another 2016 US Barista finalist, Devin Chapman of Coffee Manufactory in San Francisco, CA @devchap @coffeemnfctry
@devchap didn’t start his routine with 90’s emo. it’s an unwelcome break from tradition.
Terrazos del Pisque is a project of Arnaud Causse, a French agronomist looking to highlight the terroir of Ecuador.
Lime, green apple, and fig in the effervescent spros for @devchap. “These are the flavors of Ecuador.”
Apple cider vinegar, a simple simple syrup, and lemongrass sparkling water for @devchap‘s sig bev. #coffeechamps
And Devin Chapman of @coffeemnfctry calls time on a 90’s emo-less performance.
Raechel Hurd, Epoch Coffee, Austin, TX – 196.5 pts
Now up is a hometown competitor, Austin’s own Raechel Hurd of Epoch Coffee @francisrae @epochcoffee
Coffee today for Hurd comes from Cauca, Colombia, roasted by Austin’s @WildGiftCoffee
Citrus floral aroma, sparkling acidity, with a milk chocolate finish for the Cauca spros by Hurd. @epochcoffee
Homemade grenadine, Mediterranean tonic, espresso, all shaken over ice for Hurd’s sig bev. @epochcoffee
Anna Sutkowski, Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters, Denver, CO – 228 pts
Now up is Anna Sutkowski, Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters, Denver, CO @swtblmcoffee
Coffee for Sutkowski is a Pink Bourbon from La Estrella in Colombia, a cross of Red and Yellow Bourbon
Cherry aromatics, ruby red grapefruit, limeade sweetness, & a dark chocolate bittersweet finish in Sutkowski’s Pink Bourbon espresso course
Ice cubes made of centrifuged white grape juice, coffee blossom honey, & Kalita Wave brewed Pink Bourbon anchor Sutkowski’s sig bev
Rebecca Siahaan, Colectivo Coffee, Milwaukee, WI – 187 PTS
Now up is Rebecca Siahaan of Colectivo Coffee in Milwaukee, WI @colectivocoffee
It’s a washed Peru from the Chirinos Coop for Siahaan. #coffeechamps
Medium body with a malty sweetness in the Peruvian spros for Siahaan. Tropical grapefruit acidity and a hint of bittersweet chocolate
Want to try @ColectivoCoffee‘s Peru Chirinos? It can be purchased here: https://shop.colectivocoffee.com/collections/seasonal-coffee/products/peru-chirinos-organic
Pisco sour sig bev for Siahaan contains espresso, egg whites, hibiscus, honey, ginger, and grapefruit
Joshua Piers, Trinity Street Coffee Bar, Decatur, TX – 131.5 pts
Now up is Joshua Piers of Trinity Street Coffee Bar in Decatur, TX
Piers starts off with a Gene Wilder Willy Wonka line.
It’s a lactic acetic mixed processed coffee from La Palma y El Tucan in Colombia for Piers.
Spros for Piers include sweet caramel and red grape aromas, notes of caramel, plum, and a skittles candy finish.
Pineapple, lulo fruit pulp, panela reduction, and garnished with star anise for Piers’ sig bev.
Sam Schroeder, Olympia Coffee Roasting Co, Olympia, WA – 253 pts
Oh look, it’s another 2016 USBC finalist. It’s Sam Schroeder of Olympia Coffee Roasting Co in Olympia, WA @s_schro @olympiacoffee
“Coffee’s flavor is created at the farm” and “I as the barista am the curator” – @s_schro
Grapefruit, apricot, hibiscus, oolong, with a hint of rose are all flavors naturally found in @s_schro‘s espresso. @OlympiaCoffee
Coffee for @S_Schro is Gesha from Colombia, grown by Mauricio Shatta at 2100MASL.
Sig bev for @S_schro includes champagne mango, orange blossom honey syrup, and a minneola rim
@s_schro is the first competitor this weekend to serve the sig bev first. Many started prep first, but all served after the spro.
Dustin Mattson, Counter Culture Coffee, Atlanta, GA – 242.5 pts
Now up is Dustin Mattson of Counter Culture Coffee in Atlanta, GA @counter_culture
Coffee today for Mattson is the Las Murgas from Narino, Colombia. #coffeechamps
Matton’s spros have notes of Cane sugar, dark cherry, and unsweetened chocolate.
Tamarind nectar, macadamia milk, and cacao nib in Mattson’s sig bev. @counter_culture #coffeechamps
Courtney Tryc, MADCAP COFFEE, Grand Rapids, MI – 209.5 pts
Up next is Courtney Tryc of Madcap Coffee in Grand Rapids, MI @crystal__dreamz @madcapcoffee
Coffee for @crystal__dreamz is from the Kanzu Cooperative in the Nyamsheke Region of Kanzu, Rwanda
Apricot, orange peel, and cardamom flavor notes from @crystal__dreamz‘s Kanzu Coop espresso
Sig bev for Tryc includes Plum & lemon syrup and aquafaba, a flavorless viscous liquid left over from chickpeas. @madcapcoffee
Joshua Smith, West Oak Coffee Roaster, Denton, TX – 135.5 pts (dq)
Up now is Joshua Smith of West Oak Coffee Roaster in Denton, TX @thepaulbunyan @westoak_coffee
Coffee for @ThePaulBunyan is a lactic acid fermented Geisha from La Palma y El Tucan.
@westoak_coffee is #TeamLaPalmayElTucan, as both competitors from the West Oak family (Piers from Trinity St) are rockin’ their coffees.
Candy granny smith apple and brown cane sugar and honey sweetness in @thepaulbunyan‘s La Palma y El Tucan espressos
Sig bev for @thepaulbunyan includes watermelon juice, lemon juice, panela reduction, and !!!squid ink!!!
Andrew Frohn, Ultimo Coffee, Philadelphia, PA – 252.5 pts
Now to the stage is Andrew Frohn of Ultimo Coffee in Philadelphia, PA @ultimocoffee
Coffee for Frohn comes from Las Mingas in Colombia, sourced through @CaravelaC
Las Mingas espresso for Frohn have notes of vanilla pound cake, black cherry, orange zest, and milk chocolate finish. Stirred 20 times.
Cara cara orange juice, raw turbinado sugar syrup, and egg whites in Frohn’s sig bev. #coffeechamps
Orange rum cake, mulled cider, and thai basil flavor notes in the Frohn’s sig bev.
Michelle Johnson, Presta Coffee Roasters, Phoenix, AZ – 136 pts (dq)
Up now is Michelle Johnson of Presta Coffee Roasters in Phoenix, AZ @meeshal @prestacoffee
Ethiopian Guji coffee today for @meeshal, w/ a punchy acidity, notes of demamara syrup and grapefruit pith.
If there’s something that has the power to make a postive change around the world, it’s coffee, so says @meeshal and we def agree.
Sig bev for @meeshal includes tulsi leaf tea, white grapefruit oil, and desert wildflower honey
Josh Taves, Novo Coffee, Denver, CO – 240 pts
Now up is Josh Taves of Novo Coffee in Denver, CO @novocoffee
Taves is building up a flavor library for the judges, letting them taste things that will be found in his spro’s flavor profile.
It’s the washed Kemgin from Kochere, Ethiopia by @ninetyplus for Taves. #coffeechamps
Pear nectar, lime juice, and Kemgin in the sig bev for Taves here at #coffeechamps.
Suzy Lippman, Augies Coffee, Redlands, CA – 220 pts
Now up is Suzy Lippman of Augies Coffee in Redlands, CA @augiescoffee
Coffee for Lippman is a honey processed Heirloom Bourbon from Burundi by @longmilescoffee
More @chancetherapper on the soundtrack. But is it too much to ask for some #10Day or Acid Rap please?
Apple cider vinegar, black cherry juice, candied sugar, and aromatic spritz for Lippman’s sig bev. #coffeechamps
Melissa Calvert, Two Rivers Coffee, Denver, CO – 170 pts
Next up is Melissa Calvert of Two Rivers Coffee in Denver, CO @_melissacalvert @tworiverscoffee
Coffee for @_MelissaCalvert comes from El Diamante in Nicaragua. #coffeechamps
Fully washed, the Nicaraguan spro for @_MelissaCalvert has notes of red delicious apple and organic cane sugar.
Homemade organic apple cider is the base for @_MelissaCalvert‘s sig bev
Nathan Dela Cruz, Daylight Mind Coffee Co, Kailua Kona, HI – 181 pts
Up now is Nathan Dela Cruz of Daylight Mind Coffee Co in Kailua Kona, HI @daylightmind
Dela Cruz starts off the set with AC/DC’s Back in Black. Dela Cruz is in fact not in black, but a nice blue floral print
We’ve got American coffee. Dela Cruz is using coffee from Fire Island coffee in Captian Hook, Kona, Hawaii.
It’s a “Heritage” coffee, an Old Hawaiian coffee
Notes in Dela Cruz’s espressos are orange, chocolate, brownie batter, and cherry cordial
Sig bev for Dela Cruz includes cherry simple syrup, cherry steeped water, orange zest, xanthan gum, & dried papaya seeds
Tyler Hill, Loyal Coffee, Colorado Springs, CO – 243.5 pts
Up next is Tyler Hill of Loyal Coffee in Colorado Springs, CO @thuhtyler
Coffee for @thuhTYLER is a naturally processed Geisha from Finca Santa Teresa in Panama.
Orange and rose aromatics, jasmine, tangerine, and prune notes in the Panama Geisha for @thuhtyler.
Sig bev for @thuhTYLER includes star anise, chili flake simple syrup, and Earl Grey tea smoke
Chelsea Rae, The Roost, Lawrence, KS – 212 pts
Up next is Chelsea Rae of The Roost in Lawrence, KS
Rae is competing using a washed Colombian coffee, Finca El Islote, roasted by Repetition Coffee.
Rae’s coffee took 4th in this year’s Best of Cauca Cup.
Notes of tamarind and sweet molasses in the espresso course for Rae.
Sig bev for Rae includes tamarind, panela, and egg whites, with smudged thyme in the glass. #coffeechamps
David Castillo, Joe Coffee Co, New York, NY – 237.5 pts
Moving on now we have David Castillo of Joe Coffee Co in New York, NY @joecoffeenyc
Castillo is serving a fully washed Ethiopia Hamacho Waeno in Sidamo. #coffeechamps
25 days off roast, Castillo is using a blend of two different roast profiles of the Hamacho Waeno. @JoecoffeeNYC
Lemon lime acidity, cooked peach, brown sugar sweetness, jasmine, vanilla, and toasted almond finish for Castillo’s espresso notes.
A take on an Arnold Palmer, Castillo’s sig bev: Black tea & cooked peach, whey separated from whole milk by orange juice, & agave syrup
Lorenzo Perkins, Fleet Coffee, Austin, TX – 267.5 pts
Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in. It’s Lorenzo Perkins of Fleet Coffee in Austin, TX @lorenzoperkins @fleetcoffeeco
First order of business for the judges from @LorenzoPerkins: pinch your nose and eat this jelly bean.
When you’re a Texas barista at a competition in Texas, you give your judges sidecars of @TopoChicoUSA. there is no alternative
Coffee for @LorenzoPerkins is the Juliana Melo lot from Galeras, Colombia roasted by @madcapcoffee
Guava, peach like acidity, syrupy mouthfeel, with a cacao nib finish for @LorenzoPerkins espresso course
Orange blossom spritz, cascara ice cubes, demarara sugar simple syrup, finished with a hit of cream for @LorenzoPerkins sig bev
Sig bev “should remind us of drinking coffee for the first time” from @LorenzoPerkins of @fleetcoffeeco
David Fasman, Huckleberry Roasters, Denver, CO – 233.5 pts

Next up is David Fasman of Huckleberry Roasters in Denver, CO @davidfasman @huckleberryco
It’s the Burundi Gitwe from @longmilescoffee for @davidfasman. #coffeechamps
Grown at 2100 MASL, the 100% Bourbon is fully washed at the Heza washing station. #coffeechamps
Orange, date, turbinado sugar, orange rind and dark chocolate bitterness in the Gitwe espressos for @DavidFasman #coffeechamps
Dried fig, turbinado sugar, and cream cheese comprise @DavidFasman‘s sig bev. #coffeechamps
Cream cheese sig bev. It’s just so crazy it might work.
Preston Miller, Ozo Coffee Co, Boulder, CO – 173.5 pts
Going up now is Preston Miller of Ozo Coffee Co in Boulder, CO @ozocoffee
Miller competes with coffee from Finca El Faldón in Colombia, a former Cup of Excellence winner. #coffeechamps
Notes of cherry, grapefruit, and a tarragon like finish for Miller. @OzoCoffee
It is not a coffee competition until you hear @SylvanEsso‘s Coffee. It has yet to be a coffee comp until this very moment.
Fig, blood orange, and a flamed blood orange peel aromatic for Miller’s sig bev. #coffeechamps
Matthew Gasaway, Intelligentsia Coffee, Los Angeles, CA – 259 pts
Now on stage is Matthew Gasaway of Intelligentsia Coffee in Los Angeles, CA @intelligentsia
Coffee for Gasaway is a blend of four farms from Narino, Colombia, grown at 1800-2100MASL. It’s a mix of Caturra, Castillo, and Colombia
Green apple, raspberry, lime, and brown sugar in those Colombia espressos for Gasaway. @Intelligentsia
“For the signature beverage course, i wanted to make something that represented forging relationships” – Matthew Gasaway
Orange infusion, apple cider vinegar, and mint aromatics for Gasaway’s sig ben. @Intelligentsia #coffeechamps
Talya Strader, Equator Coffee & Teas, San Francisco, CA – 281 pts
Last up is Talya Strader of Equator Coffee & Teas in San Francisco, CA @equatorcoffees
Coffee for Strader comes from Finca Genesis in Costa Rica grown at 1700MASL, a mix of Caturra and Typica that has been white honey processed
Meyer lemon spritz, vanilla bean, fresh young coconut, xanthan gum, and passion fruit ice cubes for Strader’s sig bev. #coffeechamps
Meyer lemon, vanilla, dry cocoa and nuts in Strader’s espresso course.
Thanks for tuning in! See you in Seattle!