The 2017 US Coffee Championships keeps on rolling toward Seattle. Our next stop is beautiful Austin, Texas for the second of two qualifying events to see who will go on to compete for the title of US Barista Champion. 60 competitors will take the stage today–30 today and 30 tomorrow–trying to be one of the 18 to punch their ticket to join the 18 baristas who earned their way to Nationals from the qualifying event that took place in Knoxville, Tennessee just three short weeks ago.
Presentations for the qualifying round will be kept to a tight 10 minutes and the action will be coming hot and heavy today, with only a two minute break between each competitor. Hold onto your loved ones, your butts, and/or your loved ones’ butts, because the US Coffee Championships in Austin are getting underway! Here is a schedule of baristas who will compete today.
Follow along with our minute-by-minute live tweeting over on @SprudgeLive, and be sure to check out the Livestream here.’s coverage of the 2017 US Coffee Champs is made possible by Urnex Brands and Nuova Simonelli.
11:10am D.C. Choi, Eiland Coffee Roasters, Allen, TX @eilandcoffee
11:22am Joel Bigelow, Arrow Coffee Co, Manhattan, KS @thejoelpaul @arrowcoffeeco
11:34am David Buehrer, Greenway Coffee Co, Houston, TX @greenwaycoffee @greenwaybarista
11:46am Stacy Kim, Fulcrum Coffee Roasters, Seattle, WA @stacydbkim
11:58am Kathie Hilberg, Spyhouse Coffee Roasting Co, Minneapolis, MN @spyhousecoffee
12:10pm Adam JacksonBey, The Potter’s House, Washington DC @ditriech
12:22pm Zachary Domville, Quay Coffee, Lee’s Summit, MO @zdomville
12:34pm Milo DeGoosh, Bard Coffee, Portland, ME @bardcoffee
12:46pm Joyce Yong, Rothrock Coffee, State College, PA @rothrockcoffee
12:58pm Nicholas Balcer, Barista, Portland, OR @baristapdx
1:10pm Greg Manlove, Colectivo Coffee, Milwaukee, WI @colectivocoffee
1:22pm Ezra Michaels, Amethyst Coffee Co, Denver, CO
1:34pm Matthew Henderson, Lift Coffee Roasters, Riverside, CA @liftcoffeeshop
1:46pm Mason Capman, Ozo Coffee Co, Boulder, CO @ozocoffee
1:58pm Peter Ciolino, Anodyne Coffee Roasters, Milkwaukee, WI @anodynecoffee
2:10pm Umeko Motoyoshi, Sudden Coffee, San Francisco, CA @suddencoffee
2:22pm Randall Jackson, Yellow House Coffee, Lubbock, TX @randoj77 @yellowhousecoff
2:34pm Savannah Britton, Cafe Virtuoso, San Diego, CA @cafevirtuoso
2:46pm Stacy Wright, Inversion Coffee, Houston, TX @littlestbarista @inversionmtrose
2:58pm Naida Lindberg, Verve Coffee Roasters, Santa Cruz, CA @naidatweets @vervecoffee
3:10pm Joanna Graves, Bee Coffee Roasters, Indianapolis, IN @beecoffeeindy
3:22pm Erik Becker, Cafe Grumpy, Brooklyn, NY @erik_j_becker @cafegrumpy
3:34pm Eliza Lovett, Story Coffee Co, Colorado Springs, CO @storycoffeecomp
3:46pm Benjamin Elliot, Cultivar Coffee, Dallas, TX @cultivarcoffee
3:58pm Isaiah Sheese, Archetype Coffee, Omaha, NE @archetypecoffee
4:10pm Emily Orendorff, Boxcar Coffee Roasters, Boulder, CO @coffeestain3000 @boxcarcoffee
4:22pm Brandon Paul Weaver, Foreigner, Seattle, WA @coffeeandbookz @foreignercoffee
4:34pm Shepherd Wedley, Huckleberry Roasters, Denver, CO @huckleberryco
4:46pm Kiley Sullivan, Slate Coffee Roasters, Seattle, WA @slatecoffee
4:58pm Jon French, Coffeebar, Reno, NV